Friday, January 16, 2009

10 things To do; before I die.

I recently watched a wonderful movie Dasvidaniya of actor Vinay pathak. The story made me think, made me think of the the 10 things I want to do before I die. It was astonishing to see I could not complete a list of 10 things.

Whenever I meet friends instead of a normal "Hi" or "Hello" I would ask "did you watch Dasvidaniya?" If the answer comes "Yes" without thinking twice I would shoot the next question "okay to tell me the 10 things you want to do before you die?".. poor guys.. never talked about movies again :|
Well my list is still incomplete but I'm still deciding to jot it down:

1. To do a PhD... aah it feels so great to have a doctor with your name!

2. To make my parents do all the things which they compromised for me.... (every parent does and its the responsibility of a child to give it back. ).. possibly a Word tour :P

3. To go and watch FC Barcelona and Real Madrid at our Home stadium Camp Nou.

4. To watch a United Pink Floyd's performance.... I so wish that I'd be big enough to attend their Live - 8 performance.

5. To work for the people of my country; politically or socially.. whatever, I just want to work.

6. To tell her, it was not my fault.

rest... I am still figuring out.

till then laterzzzz
see ya

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