Wednesday, December 2, 2009

One day I was joking around with a friend and asked her how do I patao a girl? She replied in a typical bollywoodiya style...ladki "ladko ki adao se pat-ti hai". I smiled within, and told myself....don't know what I said but i was amused by the reply.
I thought what should I do to....
I wont use the word "patao" ...I'll simply say how should I win a girl's heart.

I don't know whether I am correct or wrong but this is my way of winning heart of a girl.

okay so to start with make her feel special, the point is women around her have been compromising almost't let them compromise..if she does it do it twice..make her feel counted, let her know how special you consider her.
Respect her for the person she is, not everyone is perfect..she may have the with it...don't try to change her..if you don't like something about her..there are always good ways to tell. Respect her opinions it may differ from you..keep your male ego aside. Talking of ego,,keep it with yourself don't show..if she shows ego..she knows it...she will change it someday... but don't compromise your self-esteem girls hate it.
Act like a father..give her freedom..when she is down give her confidence when she is flying high let her fly but you keep your legs on the ground...let her take the limelight...stay 2 steps behind her (did someone get why i was 200 xp points behind :P ), if she is happy let her share her happiness with her friends and family first..then later yourself...and if she is sad..make sure she has enough confidence in you that she shares with you.
Love her, trust her, don't be skeptical of her..coz if she loves you she really won't look at other guys. Listen to her, go to movies with her....Don't be possessive of her, give her own space...after-all she has her friends and family which has been there when she didn't even know you. Respect her friends and family even if you don't like them..they mean a lot to her if not you.(How would you feel if she says bad things about your mom or best friend? )

Surprise her, give her small small gifts for no reason, make her smile all the time, ask her to do small things. They mean a LOT and have big effect. Praise her she likes it, don't go overboard its kinda creepy. Girls when pissed, normally say bad things about themselves, make her feel important and let her know what she means to you.

Now very important point, if she is pissed and even if doesn't say anything on when you're with her or phone or on chat..stay with her.. she needs your support...she might ask you to leave..keep telling her i don't mind the silence..but ill stay...she'll probably think of you as soon as she gets in good mood. If something about her is bugging you look for an ideal time to tell her, girls can be unpredictable.

You must know its not about living the moment with her, its about enjoying the whole journey....called life. In the end I will end up with this beautiful video

Anything you want to add, you can write it in comments.